Albuquerque Truck Accident Attorney

middle-aged man driving a truck

Albuquerque trucking accidents occur far too often. A commercial truck’s heavyweight and significant size of commercial trucks cause catastrophic, often fatal injuries in an Albuquerque truck accident. Trucking companies and their insurance providers will frequently try to blame the victim for avoiding paying compensation. 

You may be entitled to compensation if you’ve been injured in an Albuquerque truck accident. Albuquerque truck accident cases require immediate attention and experienced legal counsel. The attorneys at Hunt Law have the skills and experience needed to pursue the full amount of compensation you need. Reach out to the personal injury attorneys at Hunt Law to schedule a free consultation.

Common Causes of Albuquerque Truck Accidents

As with any other car accident, driver negligence is one of the most common causes of Albuquerque truck accidents. Drivers are more distracted than ever. Truck drivers on long hauls are often tempted to text messages, watch videos, eat, drink, and engage in other distracting behaviors that can lead to accidents. 

Truck drivers are also expected to drive for long periods and may not take all their legally required breaks. They are more likely to cause an accident when fatigued because of their slowed reaction time. Intoxication by drugs or alcohol is another common cause of truck accidents. Traveling too fast under the conditions prevents truck drivers from being able to stop in time to avoid an accident. Finally, when truck drivers do not have adequate training to drive large vehicles, they are more likely to cause dangerous accidents.

What to Do After an Albuquerque Truck Accident 

If you’ve been seriously injured in a truck accident, you may be overwhelmed and unsure about what steps you should take next. Receiving a thorough medical examination is the most important step you can take. Make sure that you follow your doctor’s orders and schedule any specialist appointments he or she recommends. 

Keep all your documentation and tell your doctor about your symptoms. Taking these steps will help you recover more quickly and bolster your claim for compensation. You should also contact a personal injury attorney immediately after the accident. In trucking accident cases, the insurance company and trucking company often have teams of attorneys who are prepared to defend the trucking company aggressively. 

When you work with your own attorney, you will level the playing field and protect your claim. Insurance companies frequently make initial offers that are far too low. The attorneys at Hunt Law have extensive experience negotiating aggressively with insurance companies for the most compensation available. 

Who Is Liable For My Injuries?

If you’ve been injured in a trucking accident in Albuquerque, you have a right to pursue compensation from the party who caused your injuries. Victims of car accidents have a right to sue the negligent party for damages. When a person or company’s negligent actions cause an accident resulting in injuries, they are legally responsible for paying your financial damages. 

Even if you were somewhat responsible for the accident that caused your injuries, you still have the right to file a claim against all parties who contributed to the collision. In some truck accident cases, multiple parties are at fault for your injuries. For example, you may be able to hold the trucking company that employed the driver who caused your accident liable for the actions of its employee. 

Suppose a trucking company hired the truck driver without conducting a thorough background investigation. A background investigation would have revealed that the driver had been convicted of driving while under the influence. If the truck driver causes an accident that injures a victim because he was driving while intoxicated, the victim can pursue damages from the trucking company for negligent hiring.

Pursuing Damages For Your Injuries

The attorneys at Hunt Law have the resources and skills needed to investigate your case thoroughly and gather evidence proving liability. Once we gather enough evidence to prove fault, we can help you file a claim with the at-fault party or parties or their insurance companies. The attorneys at Hunt Law will gather all of the following types of evidence quickly after the truck accident to help prove your claim for compensation:

  • Expert witness testimony
  • Police accident report
  • Photo and video evidence
  • Crash scene evidence
  • Witness statements
  • Medical evidence related to your injuries
  • Any other available evidence of your damages

Compensation Available 

Due to the significant size and heavy weight of commercial trucks, accidents involving these vehicles frequently cause devastating injuries. Spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, and other serious injuries caused by truck accidents can result in significant medical expenses. Victims of truck accidents can pursue compensation for their economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages cover all expenses directly tied to a loss of money, such as lost income in medical expenses. 

Non-economic damages cover the other ways your injuries have negatively affected your life, such as your pain and suffering. The attorneys at Hunt Law will carefully determine the total amount of damages you have suffered and will suffer in the future. Our experienced attorneys can pursue the following damages through an insurance claim or our personal injury claim on your behalf:

  • Past, ongoing, and future medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Mental anguish and mental health treatment
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical rehabilitation costs
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Damage to your vehicle 

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Albuquerque truck accidents can cause catastrophic injuries and death. If you or your loved one have suffered a severe injury because of a trucking accident in Albuquerque, you need a skilled attorney on your side. The Albuquerque injury attorneys at Hunt Law have a proven track record of obtaining millions of dollars in compensation for victims of truck accidents. Contact Hunt Law today to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation and learn more about your rights.