Man signing personal injury claim

What Are the Grounds for a Product Liability Claim?

Businesses that manufacture and sell products have a responsibility to make sure they sell safe products. Injured consumers have the right to compensation for their injuries and other losses under several legal theories. Grounds for filing a product liability claim can include: Strict Liability Strict liability is imposed regardless of the manufacturer’s knowledge or lack […]

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defective airbag

You May Be Driving a Time Bomb

Q: How can I tell if my car’s airbag is defective? When people get into their cars, fasten their seatbelts, and drive off in a responsible manner, they reasonably expect that the vehicle’s safety devices will perform in the manner in which they are intended. Unfortunately, many products fall short and the product’s failure may […]

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Beach ball in pool

Swim Toy Dangers

Q: Are swim toy manufacturers liable for children’s injuries?  Sadly, Santa Fe personal injury attorneys know all too well that summer fun and warm weather can bring an increase in injuries and deaths in any number of situations—from hot car tragedies and drowning episodes to motorcycle and pedestrian accidents.  Sometimes, these tragedies stem from the […]

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Red pressure cooker steaming.

Exploding Pressure Cookers Lead to Product Liability Lawsuit

Q: Is a manufacturer responsible for injuries caused by its product? Santa Fe and Albuquerque New Mexico personal injury attorneys help victims of other people’s negligence recover compensation for their physical, psychological, and other injuries.  Personal injury lawsuits can arise from many different situations, including car accidents, medical malpractice, and product liability. Often, burn injuries […]

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