School Injuries

Girl with arm in a cast with sling over shoulder

Most New Mexico children spend a significant portion of the day at preschool or school. Parents trust that their children are being kept safe while at school. Unfortunately, hundreds of children suffer due to school injuries every year in New Mexico. Accidents, abuse, and harassment happen in classrooms and schoolyards every day.

Parents want to protect their children and keep them safe. Finding out that your child has become injured at school can be devastating. If your child suffered an injury at school due to poor supervision, faculty abuse, or faulty equipment, don’t hesitate to contact Hunt Law Firm. Our experienced litigators are prepared to investigate your case, help you understand your legal rights, and pursue the full compensation you and your child deserve.

Types of School Injury Cases We Handle

A significant number of students become injured at school in various ways and for multiple reasons. Most school injuries are caused by accidents, such as slip and fall accidents, falling off playground equipment, and sports-related accidents. 

If your child has been injured at school because of poor supervision, faculty abuse, faulty playground equipment, or assault, you may have a right to pursue a claim against the responsible party or parties. Hunt Law Firm has a proven track record of successfully representing clients in a wide range of school injury cases, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • School crossing injuries
  • School bus injuries
  • School playground injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Physical education injuries
  • Teacher neglect
  • Sexual abuse
  • School district negligence
  • School shootings
  • School-related bullying and assault

Can I Sue the School District for My Child’s Injuries?

Until recently, public schools were nearly always protected from lawsuits brought by parents of injured students. The legal doctrine of sovereign immunity prevented parents from bringing personal injury lawsuits against many government agencies, including public schools. The New Mexico Civil Rights Act eliminates qualified immunity that protects law enforcement from specific types of injury lawsuits. The law also gives New Mexico residents the right to sue government agencies, including school districts, for violating their civil rights. 

Recovering compensation from a public school district can be complex, and there are deadlines for filing claims against school districts. The attorneys at Hunt Law have an in-depth understanding of personal injury laws and are prepared to help you understand your options. We will handle every aspect of your case and work diligently to hold the responsible school district accountable for the injuries your child suffered.

Negligent Supervision By Teachers and Aides

Many school-related injuries could have been prevented if teachers and other staff had adequately supervised the children and their care. Suppose your child suffered an injury because a teacher or other supervisor failed to intervene when children were engaged in rough play or fighting. In that case, you may be able to hold the staff member in the school liable for your child’s injuries. 

School aides who are monitoring recess and gym time have a duty to act to prevent children from becoming injured by each other. Staff members who were in charge of supervising recess and gym time can also be held responsible for injuries caused by dangerous play. School districts are also legally responsible for ensuring their play equipment is reasonably safe and adequately maintained for safe play. 

Representing Victims of School Sexual Abuse in New Mexico

Students should be able to attend school in a safe environment, free from any type of sexual harassment or abuse. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. When teachers, administrators, or other school employees engage in sexual assault or abuse of minors, victims have the right to pursue a claim for compensation. The aftermath of child sexual abuse is devastating and can result in long-term physical and emotional consequences. The compassionate attorneys at Hunt Law are prepared to help you pursue justice and hold the responsible party accountable. 

Pursuing Compensation for Victims of Bullying and Assault 

Currently, there is an epidemic of in-person and online bullying among students. Online bullying through social media can become so severe that victims may become suicidal. Some types of bullying involve physical assault of a victim by one or more students. School districts and administration have a legal duty to prevent bullying from occurring. If school administrators are aware of bullying or should have known of it and failed to stop it and protect the victim, they may be liable for the injuries the victim suffered.

When bullying or other intentional acts by another child cause a child to become injured, the parents of the child who caused the injury may be able to be held reasonably responsible. For example, if the parent of the child who assaulted the victim knew about the bullying and failed to prevent the assault from happening, he or she could be liable for the child’s injuries. 

If your child has been injured due to bullying by classmates, whether on campus or off campus, speaking to an attorney can be beneficial. You may have the right to pursue a claim for damages against the school district and the parents of the child or children who injured your child.

Pursuing a Lawsuit Against a Private School

When a child becomes injured at a private school, the process for pursuing compensation differs from if the child was injured in a public school. The owners and operators of private schools have a legal duty to exercise reasonable care for the safety and well-being of their students. When a child becomes injured at a private school because of the negligence of the administration or staff, it’s important that you reach out to an attorney. You may have the right to pursue a personal injury lawsuit for damages against the responsible parties.

Has Your Child Been Injured at School? We Can Help 

If your child has been injured at school, you may have the right to pursue a legal claim for damages and hold the at-fault party responsible. The New Mexico personal injury attorneys at Hunt Law are prepared to protect your rights. Don’t hesitate to contact Hunt Law Firm to schedule a no-obligation consultation and learn more about your legal rights and options.