Surgeons performing a surgery under medical lights.

Surgical Errors and Your Rights as a Patient

Despite all of the technological advances and oversight in an operating room, errors still occur. If you’ve undergone a surgical procedure and the surgeon or any other medical professional made an error, you have rights. Learn more about what kinds of surgical errors are common and what you can do to get the help you […]

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medical malpractice

Who Can Be Held Liable for Medical Malpractice?

Modern healthcare treatment often involves numerous professionals collaborating in treating one patient. Each one must follow accepted standards of care while doing their job. Failure to do so puts patients at risk of injury or death and exposes the healthcare professional to medical malpractice liability.  Defining Medical Malpractice Medical malpractice is medical error. But it […]

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medical malpractice

4 Red Flags for Medical Malpractice 

When you go to the doctor, you place a lot of trust in your healthcare provider, their team, the healthcare where they practice, and the medical industry in general. When something like medical malpractice occurs, victims are often left unsure where to turn for help. It can be difficult to differentiate malpractice from an honest […]

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Client discussing medical malpractice case with attorney

Effectively Proving You Are a Victim of Medical Malpractice

When you seek medical care from a healthcare professional, you’re putting your health and well-being in their hands. Unfortunately, some doctors act negligently, resulting in harm you never saw coming. If you need legal guidance with your medical malpractice case, rely on the legal team at Hunt Law.  What is medical malpractice? Medical malpractice occurs […]

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Pregnant woman in hospital bed

Birth Injuries: 5 Common Causes

Childbirth is widely regarded as a joyous event heralding a future of love, growth, and exploration surrounding a new existence. In fact, if you ask a mother about the best day of her life, she’ll likely start listing the dates when her children were born. People have many ways of preparing for the birth of […]

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